Scientific name: Equus africanus asinus
The donkey is related to the horse and zebra, all of which belong to the same family ‘Equus’. Donkeys were supposedly domesticated around 5000 years ago in the north east of Africa. All donkeys are descended from the African Wild Ass, which is now critically endangered.
Wild donkeys have adapted to living in near desert environments and because of this, donkeys have very hardy immune and digestive systems. This allows the donkey to be able to process and gain nutrition from vegetation with very little nutritional value.
The loud call of the donkey can be heard for over three kilometers and enables this animal to communicate with other donkeys over large distances.
Donkeys have large ears, which pick up more distant sounds and may help cool the donkey's blood. They can defend themselves by biting, striking with the front hooves or kicking with the hind legs.
At Noah's Ark...
We have 3 Donkeys... Donna, Sunny and Storm.
We live...
In the Farm Barn, behind the Ark Arena and Soft Play Area.
Size Fact
They can reach up to 160cms in height.
Food Fact
Donkeys graze on a diet of high fibre plant material.
Fun Fact
Donkey’s milk was once valued as a medicine and was given to premature babies, sick children and to people suffering from tuberculosis.
Adopt Me
You can support our conservation efforts and help with the costs of keeping rare and wonderful zoo animals by adopting a Donkey. Adopt a Donkey for yourself or as a gift.
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