
Scientific name: Lama glama


Llamas have long eyelashes and a third eyelid (a nictitating membrane) to keep out the sand. Their ears are long and slightly curved inward, characteristically known as ‘banana’ shaped.

Llamas are very sociable animals and enjoy the companionship of their own kind. They are very intelligent and can be trained to pull carts and carry packs. Consequently, they are often kept as pack animals in their home continent of South America.

Llamas are also very strong and are capable of carrying up to 80kg over long distances.  

  1. We live...

    In the farm fields, opposite the elephant enclosure

  1. Size Fact

    Full-grown, full-sized llamas can grow up to 1.8 meters tall.

  2. Food Fact

    Llamas are herbivores. They mostly eat grass, leaves and stems.

  3. Fun Fact

    Llamas’ spit is mostly made up of the mucus from their stomachs!

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