Ring-tailed Lemur
Scientific name: Lemur catta
The ring-tailed lemur is a primate with a long, bushy, black and white ringed tail. The tail is tipped with black and is longer than the total length of the head and body.
This lemur is a diurnal species and spends more time on the ground than any other lemur species. Males and females are similar in both appearance and body size.
Ring-tailed lemurs love to sunbathe on their backs with their arms outstretched. They often sleep with their nose tucked between their hind legs and their long tail curled over their backs.
Male ring-tailed lemurs compete for females via 'stink fights', smearing their scent on their tails and wafting the odour towards opponents. They also use their tail for balance, although they don't hang by them.
At Noah's Ark...
We have 5 Ring Tailed Lemurs... Tamala, Simba, Rafaia, Baby.
We live...
On the hill next to the Birds Of Prey enclosure, across the path from the Animal Village.
Size Fact
When born, a baby ring-tailed lemur weighs less than 100g.
Food Fact
Their wild diet consists of fruit, leaves, flowers, bark and sap, as well as insects.
Fun Fact
In Latin, the word lemur means 'ghost' or ‘spirit’.
Adopt Me
You can support our conservation efforts and help with the costs of keeping rare and wonderful zoo animals by adopting a Lemur. Adopt a Lemur for yourself or as a gift.
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