Shetland Pony

Shetland Pony

Scientific name: Equus caballus

The Shetland pony is known for its petite stature and is amongst the smallest breeds of horse in the world. Other distinct physical features of this animal include short legs and a stocky body.

Shetlands are very hardy animals that can cope with harsh weather conditions. During the winter season, they grow a thick coat to keep them warm.

Despite their tiny stature, Shetland ponies are incredibly strong. In fact, in terms of size to strength ratio, they are one of the strongest horses on the planet!

The breeding season for these animals is during the spring. Female Shetland ponies gestate (are pregnant) for 11 months and stay with their foals until the youngling is 4 to 5 months old.

  1. At Noah's Ark...

    Our Shetland Pony is called Hector.

  2. We live...

    In the Farm Fields behind the Farm Shop.

  1. Size Fact

    Full grown Shetlands can grow up to 110cm.

  2. Food Fact

    Shetland ponies are herbivores.

  3. Fun Fact

    A Shetland pony Grand National is hosted each year in London!

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