
Siamang Gibbon

Scientific name: Symphalangus syndactylus


Siamangs are the largest of the gibbons or lesser apes, they are also the noisiest, using their large throat sacs to amplify their call.

Siamang gibbons prefer to walk on two legs rather than four and their arms are much longer than their legs.

Gibbons are brachiates and use their arms to swing through the canopy. They have similar feet on the front and back limbs, no front-facial hair and no tails, but have tough pads on their rear ends, on which they sleep in nests, in trees or in a fork between branches.

Endangered (Inc. Bar)
  1. At Noah's Ark...

    We have 4 Siamang Gibbons... Beatrice, Seth, Sydney and Sultana.

  2. We live...

    Opposite the Ark Arena, next to the Porcupine enclosure.

  1. Size Fact

    Siamangs can reach 1.5 meters in height.

  2. Food Fact

    Siamang gibbons are omnivores, foraging for food throughout the day. They normally feast on flowers, seeds, tree bark and tender plant shoots. They will also catch and eat insects, spiders and small birds.

  3. Fun Fact

    A Siamang’s call can be heard up to 2 miles away!

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